Knowledge is power.
Jelly Fitness Articles
Our articles are here to help you lead a healthier lifestyle.
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. 
All you have to do is click on the photo or link to take you to the article listed. 

Fat Me - How this guy saved my life!

In this article I will give you an insight to how my old self saved my life and why I owe so much to this version of me!
I wrote this in the hope it can spur somebody else on.
I was and still am blown away how well this article has been received and love hearing your stories or how this has helped you.
"Self-esteem is a state of mind, state of minds can be changed"

Could this be the reason why you're struggling?

In this article I am going to suggest something bold and original as to why you and so many others are struggling to cope. 
I am suggesting this with the intention to ask questions and investigate the matter. 
"After speaking to 100s of people the past 12 months I believe majority of society are suffering from...."

The what, who, why, when and hows of Sports Massage Treatments 

In this article we will explain why EVERYONE should be receiving Sports Massage Treatments. 
Sports massage treatments should be called tension release massage and everyone needs to reduce tension. 

How to improve your sleep. 

In this article we will explain why EVERYONE should be looking at their sleep.  
Sleep is one of the most important elements for good health and yet so many overlook this topic. 

If you are struggling with sleep then read this!

Is your screen wrecking your life?

Let's talk Dopamine! 
If you are feeling fatigued, glum, unmotivated and overall meh and love to binge watch TV or spend hours scrolling through social media, this is one article you need to read!

How to beat winter and stay healthy.

In this article I will outline some of the top reasons why EVERYONE seems to get ill, run down and low during the latter months of the year.
If you're always getting run down and ill during the end of the year, this is a must read

Doom and Gloom - Is it any wonder?

In this article I will give you a few tips to help manage your low mood, energy and negative thoughts, 
Over the past 18 months or so I have noticed an unprecedented amount of people who have low mood, are fed up and worried about everything; and is it any wonder?
"How you talk to yourself matters"

When was the last time you said something nice about yourself?

In this article I will give you a few tips to help manage your low mood, energy and negative thoughts, 
We are extremely negative towards ourselves on a daily if not hourly basis, which is seriously bad for our mental state which affect anxieties, self-esteem, self-confidence, body dysmorphia and more, but when was the last time you were positive about your body? 
"How you talk to yourself matters"

Failed attempt?

In this article we will discuss "failure".
On August 29th 2022, NASA aborted the biggest ever rocket 
launch due to a technical issue just 40 minutes before take off. 

It was described as a failure. 
"Failure" is a learning curve!

Horsefly Bites 

This article is designed to help you prevent and treat horsefly bites
Do you get bitten all the time, especially in the warmer months? 
Do you know someone who is always being bitten?
In this article I will teach what to do when bitten but more importantly teach you how NOT to get bitten by these pesky gits!

Exercise and Illness.

This article is designed to teach you "sweating it out" is NOT the way to do things!
If you are the sort of person who ignores the warning signs of an illness and still "cracks" on, then this is a must read for you!
In this article I will teach why you shouldn't exercise when ill and more importantly how to help yourself speed up recovery AND help prevent becoming ill in the first place. 

How to help sciatica.

Sciatica is a nightmare for those who suffer with it and this is an article written from own painful experience and the knowledge gained from helping others. 
If you are suffer with back pain, or know someone who does, then this article is a must read. 
In this article I will aim to teach you why you have sciatica and how easy it can actually be to get yourself back out of that pain. 

Like to talk more or work with me?

If you have found these articles useful, or would like to know more about something else please do get in touch with me. 
If you'd like to potentially work with me have a look at my profile and feel free to get in touch to see if I can help you. 
Copyright © 2020 Jelly Fitness. All Rights Reserved.
Please note all information was correct at the time written.