Stop living with unnecessary pain
Sports Massage 
All you need to know about Sports Massage Therapy.  
Written by Simon Gunn BA (Hons)
This page is aimed to help you understand why everyone should be regularly receiving Sports Massage Therapy.  

It's not just for "sporty, active" people.  

I am a firm believer the term "Sports Massage" therapy should be changed to "Tension release" therapy as I feel the current name puts people off having it because they assume as they might not be super active they don't need or will benefit from a Sports Massage Treatment; and that couldn't be more wrong!

That is exactly what we do, reduce and potentially eliminate tension from the muscles which cause aches, twinges, niggles, pains and injuries. 

Your muscles cause most of the issues.

Your muscles and skeleton allow you to move around, sit up at the desk or car, or stand upright and lay on the bed. 

All muscles attach to bones and cross at least one joint, so as they contract (tighten up) when you decide to move, they pull on the bone and joint to create movement. 

Over time and billions of contractions your muscles become shortened, taught, twisted which in turn means your bones and joints become strained and tight. 

The brain can handle lots of tension within the body however, at some point the brain and body say enough is enough and provides you with a signal to say something is up such as, a twinge, dull ache or discomfort of some sort. 

This is your signal to fix it, which you don't really know how, so you take a pain killer or ignore it or don't do anything that actually fixes the issue. 

Soon the brain will switch off these muscles as they become overloaded and asks another muscle to help do that job to prevent injury. 

The problem is however, this new muscle isn't designed for this role and having it's own role to do and now a job of more likely bigger, stronger muscle, it soon becomes taught, painful, angry and say's no more. 

So you get another signal from the brain saying fix me, this time, probably more intense. So you take more pain killers or ignore it all again... This process happens until you are in agony or swollen up or cannot function anymore or all three!

Sound familiar? 

Not just sports or active people!

The above doesn't just apply to active and sporty individuals, oh no!

Office workers, drivers and those who do not move too much are probably more at risk of needing a "Tension Release" massage! 

For you to be sat in the same position all day goes against 2.2 million years of evolution and is by far one of the worst things for your body!

You are contracting, folding up and squishing some of the most important muscles which allow us to be a Biped - Human Being! (Biped means on two feet). 

These muscles are weakened and tightened when you sit for hours and hours week in week out. Then when you want to straighten up, walk around, move freely or undertake physical activity such as running or gardening, you will soon find yourself with a plethora of pains such as back pain and sciatica. 

Sound familiar?

This is where massage comes in. 

Sports massage therapy or Tension release therapy is a treatment to relieve this stress, muscular tension, knotted muscles thus relaxing the joints and strain on the body to allow it to move freely and without pain or aches. 

Of course, how long it has been since your last massage - which for most people is never, how much stress your body is full of, how hydrated you have been over the years and lots of other factors, will determine how many treatments it takes to get you in a position of comfort and pain. 

The chances are you haven't been stretching most days since you were a child, drank sufficient amounts of water every single day for the past 10 years and haven't considered maintaining your body in the correct manner as you probably do not know how too. 

This means you probably have some catching up to do and yes, massage will most likely be uncomfortable for a while however, after just one treatment you feel utterly amazing compared to when you walked in. 


Stop living with unnecessary pain. 

You've probably heard loads of horror stories or have a stigma about Sports Massage treatments, that they hurt massively, and you can't walk for days afterwards and bla bla bla! 

Yes, this was true, back in the day, but not anymore. - well it should be!

We - a good therapist, will work with you, to your level of discomfort and will help you to ensure you walk away feeling better than you arrived, preferably with as little pain as possible. 

Yes of course, the muscles will feel sore, bruised even however, the tension does need to be removed some how, so do expect some discomfort but ask yourself this... why do so many people come back time after time? 

Because it gets easier and the freedom of movement, pain free is overwhelmingly addictive! 

Book another massage

Getting another treatment booked in straight away is a great signal to yourself that you will look after your body and reap the benefits of the treatment and ensure you do not wait until pain arrives before booking something in. 

Waiting for pain before booking in is not clever!

There is no set time we would recommend between treatments and of course, your time and budget may dictate this. 

Somewhere between 2 to 12 weeks is a good place to start. If you are super tight, stressed and active, seeing your therapist again sooner is better. If you are good at looking after yourself then we shall probably see you later than sooner. 

Those who understand and feel the benefits of treatments tend to see their therapist every 2 or 4 weeks without fail. 

Either way, get something booked in ASAP.

Here's who we are. 

Here are Jelly Fitness our Sports Massage Therapist is Simon. 
Here's what you need to know. 
Simon Gunn FdSc, BA (Hons). 

Level 4 Advanced Sports Techniques
Level 3 Sports Massage
Level 3 Cupping 
8 Years experience.  

One hour treatment - £45
90 Minutes treatment - £60
Cupping only used if deemed necessary 

12 week Fix Me programme: £500
Consultation plus treatment
- 4 x 90 minute massages inc cupping if deemed necessary. 
- 4 x Bespoke corrective training plans including stretching guidance. 
- Weekly 30 - 45 minute video check ins, stretches, advice and instructions. 

T: 07841 529186 - Please WhatsApp or text. 

One hour treatment - £45
90 Minutes treatment - £60
Cupping only used if deemed necessary 

12 week Fix Me programme: £500
Consultation plus treatment
- 4 x 90 minute massages inc cupping if deemed necessary. 
- 4 x Bespoke corrective training plans including stretching guidance. 
- Weekly 30 - 45 minute video check ins, stretches, advice and instructions. 

T: 07841 529186 - Please WhatsApp or text. 

What to wear and expect 

To wear: 
Please wear what feels comfortable for you, however please note access to as much skin as possible is usually required. This is especially so with the area(s) of concern. 

Most people just wear underwear when on the massage bed. 
Full discretion is always applied with the use of blankets and/or towels. 

If you have concerns, please speak up in your communication. 

You will be 100% looked after and made to feel comfortable and welcomed as we know how nervous it can feel. 

What to expect: 
You will be met at the door, and brought into the treatment are, where you'll be asked lots of questions about why you are here. Think investigation of cause and what you feel. 
First time visits will require a form to be filled in, which will take 5 minutes. 

Once we have discussed what is wrong, you'll be left to get undressed and get comfortable on the massage bed under a towel or blanket. When ready, your therapist will enter the room and start treatment. 

You will be told to let them know if the pressure, pain, or discomfort is too much and to back off. If at any time you are unhappy, please speak up. 

Throughout the appointment you will be made to feel welcome, safe and supported. 

Once finished, you'll be left alone to get dressed and given any stretches, advice you'll need. This is where you pay, and possibly rebook another appointment. 

Please dont be nervous. We got you! 

And Finally...Help Yourself!


Stretches are key!

As part of your treatment with us at Jelly Fitness we will probably give you some stretches to do, to boost your treatment, so please do them.

* Please wait 24 hours or so before performing the stretches we show you in the treatment. 

There are however, quite a lot of stretches which most people could benefit from performing regularly, below are a list of the main ones I think most people should try. These are in the form or video tutorials.

When it comes to stretching you MUST listen to your body and ONLY do what you can.

A stretch should feel awkward but kind of nice - NOT SHARP! 

Hold each stretch for a good 10 - 45 seconds, without flapping around. It should be static and controlled. If it is too much to bear then ease it off, or change position slightly. If it eases, which it should, try and push it a little further by moving slightly. Each movement you make you will potentially create additional tightness, so be careful.

If unsure - STOP!

When it comes to stretches, the more you do them and the longer you perform them for the better. 

Remember, you are tight and this has probably happened over years, not hours, so 10 minutes of stretching a week will NOT fix you. 

If you are unsure, email HELP to or message us directly.

These are not in order of importance. Try it, if it helps do it more. 

Stretching the hip area. 
Stretching the bum.
Squat Pose - Divine!
If you struggle with balance, then use a post or something solid to hold on too. 
Pigeon Stretch
If you struggle getting to the floor, use a chair or sofa or bed to get that leg underneath you. 
This is one of the most amazing stretches and I really do advise everyone to do this often. 
Prayer Stretch
After I had debilitating sciatica I did this stretch first thing in the morning and last thing at night every day for 6 months solid. It was delicious!
QL Stretch
Due to the location and role of this muscle, it is wise to try and ease tension in this area. This is especially wise for parents who carry their young children on the hip - which I strongly advise you avoid doing!
Upper Back Stretch
Remember sciatica isn't just the pain at the bottom. That first kink in the hosepipe is most likely at the neck area! Do NOT neglect this area!

Get a Foam Roller!

Help yourself with self massage!

We'd highly recommend you purchase AND use a foam roller or hockey ball!

Okay, we know these look like objects of torture, and if you are tight as hell, we're afraid they may feel like torture!

Foam Rollers are simple to use, affordable and highly effective when used in the correct manner. These days you can even pick them up in your local supermarket and are really easy to find now. Believe this or not but Aldi are the best for these and under a tenner! 

If you have never used one, we suggest you buy a smooth, soft (ish) one, NOT a hard, spikey, lumpy one. 

The following videos are the basic ones to use if you have sciatica symptoms. 

As with the stretches, the more you do the better. The longer you spend on it, the better. Just bear in mind that if you are super tight or bruise easily (which means you are far to tight by the way - but that's another story) then give yourself a rest for a day or two between each attempt. 

You are in control of the pressure you apply, and just changing the angle or pressure can make a huge difference. 

If you are unsure or feel sharp pain STOP!

If you are unsure, email HELP to

These are not in order of importance. Try it, if it helps do it more. 
Upper Back Rollering.
Always do this one when you can, remember that the muscles around the neck and upper back are some of the ones that cause the initial problem and missed when treating sciatica. 
Advanced Upper Back Rollering.
This is particularly important - usually when one side of the hip, lower back and/or bum has an issue in sciatica, the OPPOSITE shoulder area is the cause. - I know, mad!

This is just how the body works. So always tackle the opposite side around the shoulder/neck. 
Do both sides though to ensure balance. 
Bum Rollering.
This is a really good one to do and again you are in control of the pressure and angle you use. Just small movements and changes make the world of difference.
Do NOT work through sharp pain! It wants to feel horrible but lush at the same time. Like it is targeting the pain. Do BOTH sides!
Understand that each side will feel different, that one side may feel tighter higher and the other lower. You will just need to slowly wiggle and adjust to find the tightness.  
What a position!!! This is LUSH!!!
The neck is always tight and this will benefit headaches, upper back tension and lower back pain. Just ensure no dogs, kids etc will jump on you! 
The longer you stay here, the nicer this feels and benefits you! 


Yep, Yoga. No it isn't just for women or old people!!!

EVERYONE will benefit from regular Yoga sessions, everyone!

With the digital age in full swing there are oodles of amazing Yoga instructors out there on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. 

Find someone who doesn't annoy you and subscribe to their channel or follow on social media. 

Aim for at least 20 minutes once a week. 

Yoga will help you in way more ways than just keeping sciatica at bay, from better sleep, less aches, pains and twinges to better bowel movements and everything in between!

Invest in a leg pillow

Yes, you read that right, leg pillow! You can get a pillow for your legs!

This is by FAR the best thing anyone has ever brought me!

Ok, let me explain.

When you sleep on your side you tend to end up like the top part of the above picture, because of the discomfort your knees feel when they touch. This in turn creates pain and inflammation around the lower back in what is called your SI joint (sacroiliac joint). This is a big issue with things such as sciatica.

Having a pillow or rolled up towel or normal pillow between the thighs eliminates the discomfort between the knees and the movement of your body to the above position. 

I spent years with a normal pillow between my knees until some clever so and so made these leg pillows!

Now there are lots of versions and are epic! 

I cannot recommend these highly enough!

In fact, I would try and get one with a strap, so you do not lose it in the middle of the night and is still there when you roll over!

I adore mine and wouldn't sleep without it now!

Have a look on Amazon, or those stands at the end of the isles in the shops. 

Sort your posture out. 

This isn't an easy task as you have created habits you probably aren't even aware of!

Mums in particular - Get your child off your hip! After office workers you are my most frequent client for this very reason. You are totally screwing up your hips and body by doing this each day which will affect you for years to come.

If you need to carry weight, whether it is on your hip with a child, or bags on your shoulders for work, try and distribute the weight. Use a front or back baby carrying method or a rucksack or wheeling case for those carrying for work. 

Office workers, get a desk assessment, ensure your chair is correct for you. Sort your screen out so it is the right height or position for you. Try and get a standing desk. 

Look at how you are standing for long periods of time. Are you leaning over your hip?

Look at how you sit on the sofa watching Netflix. Are sitting with one leg under the other?

Look at how you drive. Are you leaning or tilted or twisted on the centre console or arm of the seat or the door?

Changing all these little habits will make a huge long-term. 

How Long Is  Piece Of String?

Remember, the more time and effort you put into looking after your body the better your body will function. In my opinion you should be spending at least 30 minutes a week stretching, having hot baths and so on (if not treble that). Drinking around 3 litres of water a day, every day. 

Email "HELP" to or drop me a message

If you found this helpful, feel free to let me know or comment on the social media post or follow us at Jelly Fitness on Facebook or/and Instagram

Simon Gunn BA (Hons)
Jelly Fitness Human Performance

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    Telephone: 07841 529186
    Social Media: @jellyfitness